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The idea of making a Graphic Novel came to me in a flash, just as other creative inspirations have come to me over the years. I have thought many times of writing a novel, but have always been more on the visual side of creativity.
Why not a Graphic Novel?
I could write that book and learn a new set of skills. So I embarked on what would turn out to be three year process. I would spend two years between my normal work painting and sculpting, learning the drawing style, coloring, how to lay out a page and a number of new computer skills. Some things I just needed to relearn like using watercolors, which I had not done since my high school years.
When I felt I was ready I then worked full time the third year, first writing the story then making the graphic work come to life. So now after three years here is the story of Captain Drake and the Agent.

Nathan Richardson

Nathan Richardson is an American artist painter who lives and works in Germany.
Although he spent all his formative years in the U.S. his work is definitely informed by his stay in Europe.

New Figurative Work

The paintings exaggerated figure and the lines have elements of the graphic novel which reflects Richardson’s drawing practice as a young person and an interest in the simplicity of the image of that medium, while retaining a painterly approach and more refined aesthetics.
Richardson paints with an economy of brush stokes, a minimum of blinding, and juxtaposing opaque and transparent areas to achieve freshness in the Painting.

The artist enjoy full color paintings with strong contrast in hue, but finds his temperament tends toward a more subdued uses of color.
The paintings express the power of the individual, the inventor, risk taker, and the can do spirit.

Die übertriebenen Figuren und Linien der Gemälde haben Elemente der Bildergeschichte und erinnern an die Zeichenemethoden als Richardson ein jugendlicher Maler war. Sie erinnern auch an seine Vorliebe für die Einfachheit des Grafischen, behalten aber dennoch die raffinierte Ästhetik des Gemalten.

Richardson bemüht sich mit möglichst wenigen Strichen zu malen, ohne blendende Farben, versucht aber, durch die Überlagerung eine Deckung zu erreichen und transparenten Flächen Frische zu verleihen.
Richardson gefallen auch kontrastreiche, farbenfrohe Gemälden, aber sein Temperament lässt ihn eher gedämpft malen.
Die Bilder bringen die Stärke des Menschen, des Erfinders, des Wagemutigen und gleichzeitig des Optimisten zum Ausdruck.

Learn more about Nathan Richardson and click on the following links:



Dr. Bernhard Stumpfhaus über Nathan Richardson im Heilbronner Magazin HANIX (Februar/März 2016) – Zur Online-Ausgabe von HANIX

Magazin HANIX Heilbronn